6 August 2008

European Juggling Convention 2008

Have you ever seen 5000 jugglers together?

On monday i travelled down to Karlsruhe in Germany to visit the 29th European Juggling Convention. This festival started 29 years ago with 10 people and grew out to this festival where people travel to from all around the world!

Imagine: one big gymnastic hall with about 300 people throwing with balls, clubs, hats, umbrella,s ...and then there is a big bautiful park outside with another few thousand jugglers.,
It's great!

I actually came here for the acrobatics and luckily there are about 20 acrobats.
I arrived on monday night, after having had troubles with my car:
The pipe fell off, because Jason and I fixed it with a climbing-rope when he was here..
The guy who helped me was very nice and I did a handstand for him to thanks himand he made a picture of it.

Then I arrived and there where some people slacklining!
I was a bit nervous to step on the line, but after a few minutes I was enjoying the few poses I know. Then people where amazed and curious for what I did..
It was great to share and I discovered how special yoga on the slackline actually is.

Tomorrow I will teach an AcroYoga workshop to 30 people here, and maybe also a Slackline workshop.

See you again soon!
The Dutch Yogaslacker..


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