29 September 2008

The power of Now

One morning in San Francisco I woke up, opened my eyes, and looked at the little book drawer next to Jeremy's bed..
The title of a book that first cought my eyes was this one; The Power of Now from Eckhart Tolle.
One of my very good friends Yvet, talks about this book as if it where her bible... she reads in it every ones in a while when she needs some reminder of what life was all about..

And that was just what I needed in my time in San Francisco..a reminder...what was it all about?
Even though the weather was beautiful, I stayed in bed for some hours, to read, and to remember.
What Eckhart actually says, might be better for you to read yourself, but for now, what he reminded me of is that actually bliss and enlightment / being one with God and treu happiness is within us, and the only thing that keeps us away from it, is our mind. Our mind is a great tool for organising and functional thinking, but as soon as we start using it for negavtive thoughts, and assumptions and ideas of how things should be, it draws us away from the NOW, from this very moment, that is given to us to be present in!
Writing this, it all sounds so familair, but it was really good for me to be reminded..
As for now I practice being present..
in this moment..

I'm in San Diego and people are being awasome! As soon as I landed in San Diego, the flow was so positive again! Poeple are taking me out, taking me to (Acro)Yoga classes, I'm teaching and subbing classes and exchanging bodywork.
And... something you can't miss in San Diego; somebody will teach me surfing tomorrow!
For some reason it is all becoming very easy to be present......with all this fun stuff..and at the same time I am thankfull for the time in San Francisco, and the insight that was given to me there.

Sending you a lot of warm love from cafe Cream in warm and bleu-skyed, sunny San Diego!
More pictures soon!

24 September 2008

A little bit back in time

2 weeks ago in Iceland we went caving with a friend of Lee,
check out the story and pics here!

23 September 2008

And San Francisco even more

Even though my my heart goes out to the time I had in New York and especially the Kula,
who took care of me in an amazing warm way,
I still feel like San Francisco is more my cup of tea..

As much as New York was a rollercoaster, San Francisco brings me back to myself.
This time not so much in a happy way, and together with the joy of travelling,
the moments of feeling lonely are also part of it for me....
the Journey is honouring its name... trust cultivating..

The last days have not been easy. I had some emotional struggles to go throught.
I choose not te be in a certain place, because I would find someone there, whom my heart is not ready for.
Someone I shared an amazing beautiful romantic time with for a while, and now our paths go our own ways again.
Not going there, but instead to San Francisco made me feel strong and centered......
Up untill the moment that I found out that some of my friends in San Francisco were going where he was!
Auch.... and there I was, alone in San Francisco with no plan really...

Why had I made this choice not to go to Colorado??

I do and don't remember at the same time, but all I know for now is that my path is my path..
this was my matra for today, and for tomorrow it will be the same..

I think chinese fortunecookies do always come at the right time;
today mine said;
for not the destination is important but more so is the travelling..

Many warm greetings and trustful hugs for you, my friends, family and community.

Enjoy the photo's, it's a mix of Rejkjavik, New York and most recently San Francisco..

for those who want to reach me by phone in the US; 415 395 6524

16 September 2008

I love New York

People here have a drive, they know what they want and will do what they need to do to get it.
New York...
is intens,
New York never stops,
New York is big, busy
and nothing is impossible in New York.

After the moon-landscape feeling and the great adventure of caving on my last night in Iceland,
New York is probably the most opposite place you can find.

New York.....
I was talking about following our dreams in my last blog message,
it feels more like many New Yorkers are almost running after their dreams...

I'm happy to stay with Kathryn in her spacious and comfortable aprartement and to be surrounded by all the loving and motivated Acroyogi's. I am in good hands and people are giving me so much!
I have been taken out to dinner, welcomed as a guest in several yoga classes, co-taught a super nice class with Kathryn, will share dutch Acro-style class in the park and on Long Island, tomorrow I will give a bodywork session...
We have been playing in the park almost every day (and on the street!) , I was taken to Chelsea Pierce climbing,
went running in Central park (like in the movies!), went to the movie (man on wire, recommended!).
and of course...had many coffee's from starbucks. (I'm sorry...)
and so it goes on and on and on....

There is lots 'n lots of stuff to do in New York,
but sometimes you also gotta stand still.
Tonight I took a minute and stood still at Ground Zero.....which is now a construction site.

I feel blessed to live a New York life for a week,
and be part of the lives of such amazing people....

And the journey continues....
friday off to San Francisco..

9 September 2008

Different different but same

Things are different in Iceland.

Little things like the coffee maker in the house where I stay, the way the women are strong and look beautiful. And also bigger things, like the language, the way there comes hot steam out of the ground, and probably lot more that I haven't even seen!
Travelling makes me more aware, makes me look at things, makes me enjoy what I see what I observe. And at first sight, things can look different.

Staying with my friends Lee and Alda in Reykjavik, also makes me realise again that things are very much the same too. It was great yesterday to be eating a home cooked meal together on the kitchen table, to sit in the living room now, having our daily shot of coffee and internet, to be going to a yoga class in an hour and to see how all the 3 of us are waking up to go after our dreams. Lee is working on creating a circus community in Iceland; this never excisted before. Alda just gave up her teaching job so that she can develop her art and work on performing arts, and I.... am dropping the first seeds of AcroYoga in Reykjavik and travel on.

Iceland is beautiful and powerful, I really need to come back here.

4 September 2008


Dear Friends,

Just like writing this message means to start typing that first letter,
going on a Journey means; taking that first step.

Last monday I walked into a beautiful new yogsstudio in the south of Holland and a painted line on the wall inspired me;
to walk up the strairs, you don't need to see the whole staircase, you just need to take the first step.
This is so treu, and jet my truth is; the closer I get to stepping on the plane, the more I want to see that whole staircase!

Coming sunday I will fly to Reykjavik continue to the United States and not come back home for 6 weeks.
About half of my trip is clear; placewise, who-will-I stay-with and what-will-I-do-wise..
The other half..is that whole staircase that I am not seeing jet..

This why I named my trip 'The Trust Cultivating Journey',

From the moment I booked my tickets, all kinds of nice things are enfolding.
I'll be teaching som acrobatics in New York, San Diego, and maybe more places, meet friends in Denver, attend a 6-day intensive bodywork Breema in Berkely (check www.breema.com)
this is a very interesting and poweful bodywork method, almost more an intension for life.

I would love to do as much work as I can along the way and will be offering Bodywork, AcroYoga, Acrobatics (Dutch style;) .

Inspired by streetperormer friends and the stories we know about ancient healers who where supported by the community, all the work I do will be donation-based.

Making this a Donation Tour will stimulate me to trust that life will take care of me, and break through a pattern where people first have to think about money.

If you have any idea's, if you have friends who are screaming for some healing, and you want to connect them with me,
any ideas are welcome. Thanks for your support!

On the bottom of this e-mail you can find my schedule so far, some of it might change, but we can be in touch about it.

Lots of warm greetings, and hope to meet you along the road!


~ September 7 - October 21
Dieke's Donation Tour,
'a trust cultivating yourney'
AcroYoga, & bodywork on donation
Reykjavik, New York, Denver, San Diego, San Francisco
~ Sept 7 - Sept 10 ~ Reykjavik
~ Sept 10 - Sept 20 ~ New York
~ Sept 20 - Sept 26 ~ Colorado / Estes Park
~ Sept 26 - Oct 5 ~ San Diego / Santa Monica
~ Oct 5 - Oct 21 ~ San Francisco